Nearly all of the toilets here are made by a company called:
Below are a couple pictures of the exclusive "Teachers Only" toilets with the
American Stamp of approval proudly displayed.

I don't EVER remember associating soar hammies with American Standards.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Land of Smiles and lowered American Standards. I hope you all smirk a little bit and think of me the next time you are turning a double play.
I'll be squating and thinking of purple mountains majesty and soaring eagles.
God Bless America.
Thanks for the chuckle this morning Mark! Also it was so good to hear your voice. Your brother is relaxing on his bed, law and order svu marathon is on the tube, and we are missing you. Tonight we are going to see Avatar in 3-D for the birthday movie...and probably go for some mexican, Vin's choice. I love the toilet pics! They are awesome!!! Thanks for keeping us updated, I always feel better after reading your blog. Your so sweet. Love you Pooh.