If you run a google search of "Pattaya Reputation" you'll get thousands of hits saying the same thing: Pattaya is Thailand's epicenter for sex tourism. Over the years its gotten a reputation, mostly in Europe, for hosting and catering to the sleazy, old, fat, European sex tourists and "sexpats" (a sexpat is basically a sex tourist that has made a lifestyle out of having sex with thai girls). These old 50 something white guys all probably have the same story: They live an unfulfilling life in their home country where they put a priority on making a lot of money in a short amount of time and put meaningful human relationships on the back burner. With a lot of money saved up, the inability to make a personal connection with other humans, and no consideration for others, these hopeless old, single, rich men have all found some place to call home: Pattaya, Thailand. "Why not?" thinks the sexpat, "Thailand is warm, friendly to tourists, cheap to live, and beautiful young girls will have sex with me, they'd be stupid not to!" Its true that Thailand's economy is comprised largely of foreign money from western vacationers. Sex tourism is a sad side effect of European expansionism, or globalism, if you prefer.
Jesse and I were eating at a sit down restaurant in Pattaya and realized that we were completely surrounded by old European white men and their young Thai dates, some boys, but mostly girls. There has been a documentary made semi-recently that explores this topic, Louis Theroux Thai Brides documentary.
On a lighter note...
Believe it or not this is Pattaya 14 floors up looking out onto the coast. Even Thailand’s armpit looks nice. In the last 3 weeks I’ve done a bunch. I feel exactly like one of those worker ants I’d see every morning frantically transporting chip crumbs from on my nightstand to its colony, wherever that might be. But now I can lounge on the beach and forget all of that. I must admit that none of this cushy 5-star hotel action would be possible without a lot of luck. My teaching cohort at my school in Thawangpha (Jesse) scored a few nights at a hotel in Pattaya via the RCI timeshare company (the same company that brought us Eagle Crest). Otherwise I’d be staying at a sweaty little guesthouse on the bad side of town. 3 cheers for scabies! This is much more relaxing, and safe.
To recap in the past 3 weeks:
I’ve said farewell to English teachers that finished their terms in Thailand
I’ve mourned my stolen ipod
Graded tests and turned in final grades for the semester
Motorcycled in the ballpark of 1,000 km through mountain villages and winding roads
Explored some limestone caves, 8,000 year-old coffins found within, and witnessed the flight of tens of thousands of bats and birds flying back into the cave at sunset.
Had the pleasure of meeting the REAL Rambo in person
Got the flu and sweated it out in Chiang Mai and Chonburi
Chaperoned a school field trip which included stops at the following:
- Little Siam. I saw the Eifel Tower, the Pyramids, and the great wall; imagine the "It’s a Small World After All" ride
- Dream World Amusement Park (a hilariously cheap, Thai knockoff of Disneyland)
- Children’s science museum, planetarium and aquarium... snooze
Met up with Jesse’s Japanese friend Nobu, and toured nearly every single Wat within Bangkok's city limits. Oh yeah, in humid 90 degree temps.
Went to the Bangkok's medical hospital where I viewed the biggest testicle ever recorded, preserved tsunami victims, and many other medical wonders.
Waded through the Red-Shirt stronghold at least a dozen times
Saw Alice in Wonderland in 3-D IMAX
5 days of total relaxation at Pattaya. Sleep, swim, eat, beach, read, doze, swim, eat....
A few more days of relaxation and hanging out with some quality folks from my teaching program in U-Thong. Beer, pizza, simpsons, zombieland.
Its nice to be able to sleep in and lose all track of time. To wake up and not care what day it is, what time it is, and experience the reassuring feeling that I don't have to entertain thai kids is a great feeling. Teaching is a fun job, don't get me wrong, but can be tiresome. Intensive battery recharging is just what the doctor ordered.